



朱润萍博士、现任兰州大学新闻与传播学院副教授、硕士生导师,澳大利亚莫纳什大学教育学院和澳大利亚西澳大学法学院研究员。先后就读四川大学、新加坡南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University of Singapore)和西澳大利亚大学(the University of Western Australia),获法学学士(Bachelor of Law)、传播学硕士(Master of Communication Studies)和哲学博士(Doctor of Philosophy)学位。



主要从事跨文化传播、媒体与国家形象构建、新媒体与社会发展等方向的研究有与本领域国际知名学者合作的研究经历。2021728日受邀为Swinburne University of Technology中国传媒业特邀讲座 (lecture delivered in English)。担任Asian Journal of Communication, Sage OpenJournalism Studies等多本SSCI期刊的审稿人。

主持省市级科研课题10余项,主持中央财政支持的国际合作项目1项,出版学术专著3部,译著18本,中文核心论文近30篇,英文论文多篇(包括SSCI一区和二区)。China Daily发表评论文章。

多次参加国际会议并做分会场发言,包括南半球传播学最高级别会议Australian and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA)和传播学三大顶级会议之一的AEJMC (Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication)。获得新加坡政府和澳大利亚政府颁发的海外留学生全额奖学金,并在读博期间,获得优秀研究生科研奖学金(每年全校仅6名硕、博研究生获此荣誉)。



任职于东北财经大学,主讲《传播学理论》、《社会科学研究方法》、《跨文化传播》、《专业英语》和《英文报刊选读》等本、硕课程;于澳大利亚莫纳什大学讲授过《跨文化商务传播》(Intercultural Business Communication)和《传播与文化》(Communication and Culture)课程



English Peer-reviewed Scholarly Journal Articles

1. Zhu, R., Wei, J. R., & Krever, R. (in press, 2022, acceptance date 10 Oct.). Presenting the People’s Republic: What Drives Images of China in the Press? Media International Australia (SSCI).

2. Zhu, R., & Krever, R. (in press, 2022, acceptance date 13 June). Newspapers as Propaganda: How Communist Party of China Newspapers Frame Images for National and International Audiences. Global Media and Communication (Scopus, Q2; ERA 2010 “A” Journal).

3. Wong, C., Zhu, R., Krever, R. & Choi, A. (2021). The impact of “manipulated news” on student attitudes and perceptions and their participation in the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong. Social Media + Society, 7(2), 1-11. (SSCI, Q1).

4. Zhu, R., Krever, R. & Choi, A. (2018). The Impact of Newspaper Reports on Fear of Crime in Hong Kong. Newspaper Research Journal, 39(4), 470-480 (Scopus, Q2; ERA 2010 “A” Journal).

5. Zhu, R., & Krever, R. (2017). Media Use and Cultural Adaptation by Foreign Students in Chinese Universities. Continuum - Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 31(2), 307-324 (SSCI, Q2).

6. Hao, X.M. & Zhu, R. (2004). Media Use by Immigrants in the Process of Cultural Adaptation”. Asian Communication Research, 1(1), 47-67.

International Conference Presentations

7. “The impact of Next Media Animation framing on university students’ attitudes towards, perception of, and participation in the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong”, Presentation at the Top Paper Session, AEJMC (The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication) the 102nd Annual Conference (Toronto, Canada, August 7-10, 2019)

8.  “A comparative study of communist party’s press in reporting the sea disputes: communist propaganda and national interests”, Presentation at Monash Asia Institute Conference “Other Asians, Asia’s Otherings” (Melbourne, 30  31 October, 2017).

9.  “The impact of newspaper reports on university students’ perception of crime and the timeliness of release of crime information by the police in Hong Kong” (peer-reviewed paper), ANZCA (Sydney, 4  7 July, 2017). 

10.  “Conflict comrades: Communist Party’s media in reporting disputes in the sea”, Presentation at “The 5th Inter-Asia Popular Music Studies Workshop at Monash Asia Institute 9 December 2016.

Dr. Serene Runping Zhu received her Bachelor of Law from Sichuan University (China), Master of Communication Studies from Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Western Australia (Australia). Currently Dr. Zhu is an Associate Professor at School of Journalism and Communication, Lanzhou University, China.

Dr. Zhu’s research interests broadly include intercultural communication, newspaper studies, new media studies, and media system in China. She has an excellent publication record as an Associate Professor in China (3 books, nearly 30 Chinese articles, and 1 peer-reviewed English article), and since moving to Australia to pursue a doctorate have published 4 articles in quality disciplinary-relevant internationally refereed journals. She is fully bilingual and has 18 translated books including complex academic texts, international bestselling novels and children’s books.

She has a solid track record in obtaining competitive research funding (eight grants and several funded scholarships and fellowships) and intend to pursue a number of grant applications when working in Lanzhou University.

Dr. Zhu’s recent conference presentations include papers presented in the “top paper” session of the 2019 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference in Toronto and at the 2017 Australian and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA) conference in Sydney.

Prior to commencing her doctorate, Dr. Zhu had a decade tertiary teaching experience. Two primary teaching subjects were Communication Theory and Intercultural Communication. Other courses she taught at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels include Advanced Communication Theory, Research Methodology for Communication Studies.  More recently, as a sessional teacher at Monash College, a division of Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, she was responsible for tutorials in the Intercultural Business Communication and Communication and Culture courses.

Email: zhurp@lzu.edu.cn

Mobile: (+86) 186 0411 8070


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