






创办中英双语课程《国际新闻报道》 (2009)创办中英双语课程《播音主持》(2009)创办中英双语课程《中国文化国际传播》(2016);创建兰州大学新闻与传播学院首个英文网站(2009);创建大型系列访谈专栏《恩师您好!》(2018);在老院长张明华教授的指导下,全面负责策划实施了首届“海峡两岸学子丝绸之路新闻夏令营”活动。2013年10月21日,受中国欧美同学会总会邀请参加了在人民大会堂举办的欧美同学会100周年庆典。2014—2015年在英国伦敦访学交流。

科研立项: 国家社会科学基金重大项目子项目 1项 教育部项目1项甘肃省项目1项中央高校基金项目2项兰州大学校级项目1项横向研究项目1项作为主要成员参与省部级研究项目2项;出版学术专著《他塑与自塑  文化传播与媒介再现》(中国社会科学出版社);在新闻传播领域顶级期刊及CSSCI A类期刊发表论文数篇;撰写完成国家级,省部级调研报告数篇;应邀参加国内国际学术会议并发表论文。 


  In the past Thirty years, Professor Nan Zhao have been closely associated with mass media ( both the enterprise field and the research field). Majoring in news host in her university study ( She graduated from Communication University of China (CUC)—the top academic institution of information and communication in China) . In 1999, after she best effort and good personal judgement, she proposed and made carefully the program of《Protecting Mother River—Yellow River》—promoting people’s attention to the environmental protection. Due to her brilliant and gifted positive contribution, she was rewarded “The National Golden microphone Award”—the highest reward for a host in China. Her name and photograph has been included in a specialist book 《Hosts 20 Years》. Professor Nan Zhao is the full member of the Western Returned Scholars Association Chinese Overseas.
  2004, Professor Nan Zhao finished her postgraduate degree in London. In London, also she was working for the student union based in the University of London responsible for Foreign Affairs of Chinese Students and Scholars Association. At the same time, as one of the originators, she worked part-time as the chief editor of the Chinese newspaper 《UK-Chinese Times》 published by UK Chinese Business Consultants Ltd. All this makes her well know that a good understanding of different cultures is very important in the world. From July 2009, Nan Zhao has been working as associate professor, professor ,supervisor at School of Journalism and Communication of LanZhou University.

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